Pamela J. Perkins, Certified Weight & Wellness Coach


What is your motivation? I love how every new year is full of endless possibilities for a fresh start. This is one of those topics that can’t be excluded from any weight loss success story. Before you begin this journey to “lose weight” as many term it so simply, we can’t deny that additional thought must be given to motivation during the entire weight loss process.

So, what is your motivation? Many agree they are “event driven.” “My daughter is getting married” or “my high school reunion is in two months.” My goal as your coach is to make sure you see beyond the event. Without an established long-term goal, after the wedding or reunion isn’t this merely another “diet”? When we start a “diet” we imply there is also an end to the diet. If your emotional relationship with food doesn’t change throughout the weight loss part of your journey, your only option is to return to the behaviors we know all too well – those old behaviors that result in weight regain. Decide this time to do it differently.

As one of my colleagues is fond of saying, “if you want a different result, you have to show up different.” Showing up different means making a commitment to finally figuring out how to manage your weight loss that will include “checking in” with your motivation meter throughout the weight loss journey. It’s a fact that what motivates you to begin your journey is far different from what motivates you to finish weight loss and enjoy maintaining a healthy weight. If your motivation as you begin is to “get healthy” and off blood pressure or diabetes medications, with focus to the task, this will happen long before your weight loss goal is met. It’s crucial that you recommit to a different motivation at that time. Why? If you don’t, what happens? Weight regain! Because “I met my goal.”

Take time as you begin your journey to answer the “why” that will help you define the greater goal. For example, if your goal is to “get healthy” I would agree it’s a good goal. But we must look deeper. Why do you want to be healthy? Think carefully and create a list of specifics that will serve as the foundation of your motivation. Maybe it’s to go hiking with your grandkids. Or to play golf with the women’s group. Now you have a list of personal and specific reasons why.

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